Personal Goal: To lose weight and become fit.
My one of the goals for this year and the following is to make myself fit. For that, i go to gym everyday. I am not really that healthy and i am sure that going to gym will really help me to gain a better control over my body.
I have been going to the gym for the past few months and i believe that i will continue with this routine. I go to gym every single day except for sunday for about 1.5 hours. The gym is very much near my house, about a minute walk. I have two different programmes which i change alternatively. My two programmes:
1) Cardio/Muscle work out.
2) Cardio/ Abs work out .
It is necessary that i do cardio for around 40 mins before starting my workouts. Then in muscle workouts, exercises related to chin-ups, push-ups, squats etc. During my abs workout, any exercise related to stomach is done.
From time to time, i chance my workouts to make it more harder for me as soon as i get used to one. My goal is to go to the gym everyday except Sunday and i have been, but sometimes due to some problems, going everyday to the gym is not possible.
I really hope i achieve my goal. For that, i must be consistent and must be passionate as well.