Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Track Pracitse #4

Track and Field: Action.

Today was our second morning session. I liked today's practice a lot as it was only weight training. As usual, we started off with a warm up, 3 laps around the field. Then we did some running exercises, like: high knee up, hopping, sprint etc. Then we did weights. We used the medicine balls at first. We had to do the squats with the medicine balls. 

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Track Pracitse #3

Track and Field: Action.

Today was a very hard practice schedule. Being in category 3, we ran most of the time. Starting with rally-600 meters and then later on group running, 800m. For the 800m one, we initially had 70 second to do a whole lap, then 60, then 50, then 40 and then 30 seconds. It was very tiring. After that we did some running activities on the stairs. We started of with running fast, to the 3rd floor and then coming back. Then we had to with one leg (hopping) and then jumping. That was really tiring. We were supposed to do running in the pool, but we ran out of time.

This was a very hard practice session, yet it was kind of fun. Looking forward to tomorrow morning session.

Track Practise #2

Track and Field: Action.

Today was a morning session. Like usual, we started with warm up, that was jogging 2 laps around the field. Then we did some light running exercises.  After that, we did plyometrics. It was the first time that i did something like this. Mainly for making our legs strong, calf muscles as well as hamstrings. It involved a lot of jumping. It wasn't as hard as yesterdays practice, so it went good. Practicing for one hour in the morning, right before school; could feel slight pain in my shoulders though.